Archizam is not just a practice exam site.
Archizam is a place for YOU,
the people that are working hard to pass the #architectureregistrationexams to connect, get together, study together, and bounce resources and questions off of each other.
During my time studying for my exams, I worked with many, maybe even more than a dozen other people who were also in the process of studying for and taking their exams. And the fact is, not a single one of them helped me in my efforts (Until Archizam Ben and I decided that our goals aligned and made it happen!) I can think of many times I asked my co-worker for their used study guide, or for an hour to go over some questions I had. I have always worked in medium-size firms with several other young professionals working towards licensure.
I feel like the majority of other people going through the process DO NOT WANT TO HELP. That common "Architecture school competition" feeling continues into real-life practice.
But if "it takes a village to raise a child" - It takes a community to help you PASS the #AREs.
In case you (Looking at YOU VISITORS) have not tried our PRACTICE EXAMS, they not only tell you whether or not you got the answer right, but they also PROVIDE IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK, with guidance and specific references for you to look into, read, and learn from.
Additionally, Ben and I monitor your questions, comments, and emails DAILY and respond as soon as possible.
We would really like this to site a PUBLIC FORUM
For you to help each other pass your exams! That is why we created the CONNECT page on our site. Check it out if you are looking for people to study with. It is why you will see me Archizam Mark) on the NCRAB Forums offering help from time to time (more on that below). And it is also why we write these blog posts and offer you a place to comment (below). Finally, it is why our CONTACT US page is up top, easy to find and simple to use.
Every post we write is an opportunity for you to ask questions and a place for you to go for help!
We know there is, of course, the NCARB ARE Forum. I always try to answer your questions on that forum to the best of my ability. But in case you did not know NCARB owns that forum, and has control over it, and the ability to remove and "down vote" any help Archizam offers there. Archizam does not have a vendor contract with NCARB. Additionally, Archizam does not have a staff, and Archizam is not a big business (whose goal is to get your money regardless of whether or not you pass.)
We at Archizam can not stress enough, that we truly exist TO HELP YOU PASS your Architecture Registration Exams.
There are people on the NCARB forum there to convince you that you will pass by (spending lots of money) using their test prep programs. I always wonder what the ratio of success to failure is from those programs. They make a show of congratulating all the people who are successful and pass the #AREs. But, I am not sure I have ever seen data on the number of people who sign up and are not successful. And I have never seen an ARE Prep program that GUARANTEES you pass OR YOUR MONEY BACK...
Half of my successful study method was ASKING PEOPLE to help me answer the questions I did not understand.
Your peers had to solve the same questions to pass their exams, and probably know where you can find the answers.
Fun fact: Did you know that nearly every Disney theme park resort in the world has a version of It’s a Small World.
What Archizam is really missing, is YOUR PARTICIPATION.
There are currently over 1,200 subscribing members of Archizam. In 2019 there were 116,242 registered architects in the United States. Members of Archizam represent an additional 1% of potential architects in the country. That's a lot of people! That is a lot of people trying to achieve the ultimate goal - The ability to FINALLY CALL YOURSELF AN ARCHITECT!
Imagine if you all worked TOGETHER to Achieve YOUR Goal!
Please comment below and
Let us know if there are any subjects that really cause you trouble
Let us know if there are concepts you just can not seem to understand.
Let us know any terms that confuse you!
Tell us the things that worry you, and the reasons that you have not scheduled your next exam.
We are here to assist you in all the ways we can, encourage you as needed, and help clear up confusing matters for you.
Archizam is here to foster a community that helps every person whose goal is to become a Registered Architect make it happen!